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Code Review That Matters: Tips and Best Practices

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 18:27:05

First of all, what’s a code review? Basically, it’s a review of written code performed by other team members. The result of the code review is feedback on the completed task: change requests and comments or green light for further testing and release. Even though the task itself seems pretty straightforward, there are many things to take into account and a number of different ways of performing code review, and there is no unified guide that would work for every company or project.

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An Introduction to DDL, DML, and DCL Commands in MySQL: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 18:27:05

MySQL is widely recognized as one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems. It holds immense significance in the realm of web development, data analytics, and beyond. Its adaptability and user-friendly nature have positioned it as the preferred choice for managing structured data.  MySQL commands are classified into various types, primarily based on their purpose within the database. These types encompass Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), and Data Control Language (DCL). A comprehensive understanding of these commands and their practical applications is essential for individuals involved in MySQL database operations. This article delves into each category, offering precise definitions and illustrative examples to enhance comprehension.

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Breaking Barriers: The Rise of Synthetic Data in Machine Learning and AI

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 17:57:05

In the evergrowing realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the existing methods to acquire and utilize data are undergoing a major transformation. As the demand for more optimized and sophisticated algorithms continues to rise, the need for high-quality datasets to train the AI/ML modules also keeps increasing. However, using real-world data to train comes with its complexities, such as privacy and regulatory concerns and the limitations of available datasets. These limitations have paved the way for a counter approach: the generation of synthetic data. This article navigates through this groundbreaking paradigm shift as the popularity and demand for synthetic data keep growing exponentially, exhibiting great potential in reshaping the future of intelligent technologies. The Need for Synthetic Data Generation The need for synthetic data in AI and ML stems from several challenges associated with real-world data. For instance, obtaining large and diverse datasets to train the intelligent machine is a formidable task, especially for industries where data is limited or subjected to privacy and regulatory restrictions. Synthetic data helps generate artificial datasets that replicate the characteristics of the original dataset.

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The Cost Crisis in Observability Tooling

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 17:12:05

The cost of services is on everybody’s mind right now, with interest rates rising, economic growth slowing, and organizational budgets increasingly feeling the pinch. But I hear a special edge in people’s voices when it comes to their observability bill, and I don’t think it’s just about the cost of goods sold. I think it’s because people are beginning to correctly intuit that the value they get out of their tooling has become radically decoupled from the price they are paying.  In the happiest cases, the price you pay for your tools is “merely” rising at a rate several times faster than the value you get out of them. But that’s actually the best-case scenario. For an alarming number of people, the value they get actually decreases as their bill goes up.

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Common Cybersecurity Threats and How To Protect Yourself

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 16:42:05

Cybersecurity threats are acts performed by people with hurtful expectations, whose objective is to take information, do harm or disrupt computing systems. Normal classes of cyber threats include malware, social engineering, man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, denial of service (DoS), and injection attacks — we portray every one of these categories in more detail below. In the interconnected universe of today, understanding normal cybersecurity threats is fundamental for defending your computerized presence. Dangers, for example, phishing, malware, and ransomware, continually advance, requiring proactive measures for protection.

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Orchestrating dbt Workflows: The Duel of Apache Airflow and AWS Step Functions

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 16:27:05

Think of data pipeline orchestration as the backstage crew of a theater, ensuring every scene flows seamlessly into the next. In the data world, tools like Apache Airflow and AWS Step Functions are the unsung heroes that keep the show running smoothly, especially when you're working with dbt (data build tool) to whip your data into shape and ensure that the right data is available at the right time. Both tools are often used alongside dbt (data build tool), which has emerged as a powerful tool for transforming data in a warehouse.  In this article, we will introduce dbt, Apache Airflow, and AWS Step Functions and then delve into the pros and cons of using Apache Airflow and AWS Step Functions for data pipeline orchestration involving dbt. A note that dbt has a paid version of dbt cloud and a free open source version; we are focussing on dbt-core, the free version of dbt.

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Flexible Data Generation With Datafaker Gen

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 16:12:05

Introduction to Datafaker Datafaker is a modern framework that enables JVM programmers to efficiently generate fake data for their projects using over 200 data providers allowing for quick setup and usage. Custom providers could be written when you need some domain-specific data. In addition to providers, the generated data can be exported to popular formats like CSV, JSON, SQL, XML, and YAML. For a good introduction to the basic features, see "Datafaker: An Alternative to Using Production Data."

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Securing the Digital Frontline: Cybersecurity Trends and Best Practices in Networking

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 15:42:05

In the fast-paced digital landscape, where connectivity is paramount, the need for robust cybersecurity measures in networking has never been more critical. This article delves into the latest trends and best practices in cybersecurity, aiming to provide insights into how organizations can fortify their networks against the ever-evolving array of cyber threats.                                Evolution of Cyber Threats As technology advances, so do the tactics employed by cybercriminals. Understanding the evolution of cyber threats is essential for designing effective cybersecurity strategies. Sophisticated Malware and Ransomware The proliferation of sophisticated malware and ransomware attacks poses a significant threat to networks. Cybercriminals continuously refine their techniques, making it imperative for organizations to deploy advanced threat detection and prevention mechanisms.

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Most Popular Telegraf Input Plugins and Integrations With InfluxDB

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 15:12:05

Telegraf is an open-source server agent designed for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics. Developed by InfluxData, it is part of the InfluxDB time series database platform. Known for its simplicity and ease of use, Telegraf offers a plug-and-play architecture with an array of input, output, and processor plugins. This flexibility allows Telegraf to seamlessly gather metrics from a diverse set of sources and write them into InfluxDB, serving as a vital component in monitoring and observability stacks. One of Telegraf's strengths is its ability to integrate with a wide range of tools and services, enhancing the capabilities of InfluxDB. It supports various data formats and network protocols, enabling integrations with common systems like databases, message queues, and web services. Some notable integrations include popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, messaging systems like Kafka and MQTT, and cloud services from providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Additionally, Telegraf can collect data from various sources like sensors, IoT devices, and virtual systems and applications, making it a versatile tool for comprehensive monitoring solutions in diverse IT environments. This post covers the top types of Telegraf input plugins. 

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Fine Tune Your Salesforce Queries

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 12:42:05

We create custom applications in Salesforce that are built on top of customer or transactional data from Salesforce data tables. Writing efficient queries is crucial to maintaining the performance of these applications and ensuring that we don't run into Salesforce limits. There are certain optimization techniques you need to follow to make your query efficient. This article will shed light on those techniques. About Query Performance It is obvious that the performance of your query completely depends on the complexity of data you currently have in your production org. You can write an efficient query that works in one environment but could fail in a different environment. So it is important to understand the current state of your data in the production environment. You should also have some idea regarding the future growth of your production data so that you can plan your queries accordingly. Make planning queries as part of your development cycle. Make a routine to revisit old queries in your production environment to make sure that those queries are still efficient. This article will also walk you through tools you could use to measure query performance in Salesforce. 

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Safe Clones With Ansible

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 03:17:13

I started research for an article on how to add a honeytrap to a GitHub repo. The idea behind a honeypot weakness is that a hacker will follow through on it and make his/her presence known in the process.  My plan was to place a GitHub personal access token in an Ansible vault protected by a weak password. Should an attacker crack the password and use the token to clone the private repository, a webhook should have triggered and mailed a notification that the honeypot repo has been cloned and the password cracked. 

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Unleashing the Power of Git Bisect

Aggregated on: 2024-02-22 02:47:13

We don't usually think of Git as a debugging tool. Surprisingly, Git shines not just as a version control system, but also as a potent debugging ally when dealing with the tricky matter of regressions. The Essence of Debugging with Git Before we tap into the advanced aspects of git bisect, it's essential to understand its foundational premise. Git is known for tracking changes and managing code history, but the git bisect tool is a hidden gem for regression detection. Regressions are distinct from generic bugs. They signify a backward step in functionality—where something that once worked flawlessly now fails. Pinpointing the exact change causing a regression can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack, particularly in extensive codebases with long commit histories.

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Self-Healing Test Automation: A Key Enabler for Agile and DevOps Teams

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 18:47:13

Test automation is essential for ensuring the quality of software products. However, test automation can be challenging to maintain, especially as software applications evolve over time. Self-healing test automation is an emerging concept in software testing that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to enable automated tests to detect and self-correct issues. This makes test automation more reliable and cost-effective and reduces the amount of time and resources required to maintain test scripts. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of self-healing test automation, how it works, and how to implement it in your organization.

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Cybersecurity: A Trojan Horse in Our Digital Walls?

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 18:32:13

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity has been widely celebrated as a technological triumph. However, it's time to confront a less discussed but critical aspect: Is AI becoming more of a liability than an asset in our digital defense strategies? I talk about the unintended consequences of AI in cybersecurity in this essay, challenging the prevailing notion of AI as an unalloyed good. I’ll start off with the example of deep penetration testing, a critical aspect of cybersecurity that has been utterly transformed by AI. We used to traditionally rely on formulaic methods that were confined to identifying known vulnerabilities and referencing established exploit databases. But AI? It’s changed the game entirely. AI algorithms today are capable of uncovering previously undetectable vulnerabilities by making use of advanced techniques like pattern recognition, machine learning, and anomaly detection. These systems learn from each interaction with the environment and keep adapting continuously. They can intelligently identify and exploit weaknesses that traditional methods might overlook. That’s an improvement, right?

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CRM Analytics, a Guide to Salesforce Data Integrator

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 18:32:13

Salesforce CRM Analytics is a cloud-based business intelligence (BI) and visualization framework seamlessly integrated into the Salesforce platform, designed to enable business insights, predictive analytics, and recommendations by integrating the Salesforce data with external big data sources. CRM Analytics has a vibrant ecosystem with a vast array of third-party connections available through its Data manager, which makes it easy to integrate the Salesforce objects like opportunity, account, lead, tasks, and users with external big data sources like AWS Redshift, Microsoft Azure, Google Analytics, SAP HANA, Snowflake, Microsoft Dynamics, Mulesoft and Oracle.

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The Future of Digital Products: Will AI-Assistants Replace Applications?

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 17:17:13

Apps May Soon Become Redundant The rapid evolution of generative AI has provoked another round of heated discussions about its effect on the future of technology—as well as our daily lives. I would like to jump in and speculate on how this may change the future of digital end-user products.  Here is my main hypothesis: If AI assistants like ChatGPT continue to evolve at the same pace, we will witness the end of the era of the apps as we know them.

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Launch Your Ethereum Donation dApp Today: Easy Steps With MetaMask, Alchemy, and GitHub Codespaces

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 16:32:13

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, building decentralized applications (dApps) presents a unique opportunity for developers to explore the potential of Ethereum and smart contracts. This article aims to guide you through the process of creating a simple yet functional dApp, "BuyACoffee," designed to receive acknowledgments from the readers of Brainupgrade. We'll use the Ethereum test network Sepolia and platforms like Alchemy and MetaMask for wallet management. Step 1: Setting up MetaMask MetaMask is a popular Ethereum wallet and a gateway to blockchain apps. Here's how to create a new wallet for our project:

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The Impact of Technical Ignorance

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 15:47:13

I knew a Chief Software Architect from a major financial organization who was an anomaly: he had never developed software professionally. His undergraduate degree is in Accounting and Finance, and his most hands-on technology role was as a DBA. [His LinkedIn profile lists an early Programmer role, though he insisted he didn’t.] Even so, he was well-respected within his organization for his thought leadership and solutions, but nevertheless, it seemed an unusual career path. Since I last worked with him, he has moved into C-level roles at other organizations, confirming his abilities as a technology leader. Then I thought of others I have worked with who are non-technical but positioned to impact technical direction and realized their lack of understanding impacted (and continues to impact) the quality of the software solutions we, as engineers, are expected to deliver.

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How Slow Is Database I/O?

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 15:32:13

Most veteran developers must have experienced a rather low database I/O performance. However, many may not have a full understanding of how slow the I/O operation is, particularly about the gap between database I/O speed and the speeds of other data read/write methods. Java is a commonly used technique used for application development. In this article, we perform a field test to find out the performances of retrieving data from Oracle and MySQL – the two typical types of databases in Java, and compare them with the performance of retrieving data from the text file.

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Unlocking Efficiency in Big Data: The Power of Data Deduplication Revealed!

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 12:47:13

Data deduplication is a technique used to eliminate duplicate records or rows from a dataset. Data deduplication holds significant importance in the Big Data world due to the scale and volume of data handled in Big Data environments.  Here are some key reasons why data deduplication is crucial in the context of Big Data:

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Build a Spring Boot REST Application With Gradle

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 08:17:13

In this tutorial, we will create a simple RESTful web service using Spring Boot and Gradle. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications, and Gradle is a powerful build tool that simplifies the build process. What Is REST? REST, Representational State Transfer, is a set of architectural principles ensuring your APIs are interoperable, scalable, and maintainable. Imagine building Lego blocks — different applications can seamlessly interact with your API as long as they follow the RESTful guidelines, just like Legos click together regardless of their set.

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Empower Software Development With Data Analytics: Enhance Efficiency, Quality, and User Satisfaction

Aggregated on: 2024-02-21 04:47:12

Data Analytics in Software Development In the realm of software development, the application of data analytics tools transcends mere operational enhancements, embedding itself as a pivotal component in the engineering and management processes. This integration is propelled by an understanding that data, when effectively analyzed and applied, can significantly augment the efficiency, reliability, and overall success of software projects. Data analytics tools serve a multifaceted role in software development and not only facilitate a detailed assessment of project metrics and performance indicators but enable developers to gain insights into code quality, user engagement, and system operations. The strategic incorporation of these tools into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) empowers teams to navigate complex project landscapes with data-driven confidence.

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Revolutionizing Real-Time Alerts With AI, NATS, and Streamlit

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 20:32:12

Imagine you have an AI-powered personal alerting chat assistant that interacts using up-to-date data. Whether it’s a big move in the stock market that affects your investments, any significant change on your shared SharePoint documents, or discounts on Amazon you were waiting for, the application is designed to keep you informed and alert you about any significant changes based on the criteria you set in advance using your natural language. In this post, we will learn how to build a full-stack event-driven weather alert chat application in Python using pretty cool tools: Streamlit, NATS, and OpenAI. The app can collect real-time weather information, understand your criteria for alerts using AI, and deliver these alerts to the user interface.

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Insights From AWS Re:Invent 2023

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 20:17:12

AWS re:Invent is an annual conference hosted by Amazon Web Services. AWS re:Invent 2023 stood out as a beacon of innovation, education, and vision in cloud computing. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada, spread over five days, the conference was one of the largest gatherings in the cloud sector, attracting an estimated 65,000+ attendees from around the globe. Having had the privilege to attend this year (2023), I am excited to share the key takeaways from the conference and interactions with some of the brightest minds in cloud computing. I aim to inspire and shed light on the expansive possibilities cloud technology offers. AWS Aurora Limitless Database In today’s world, enterprise applications typically rely on backend databases to host all the data necessary for the application. As you add new capabilities to your application or there is a growth in the customer base on your application, the volume of data hosted by the database surges rapidly, and the number of transactions that require database interaction increases significantly.

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Mastering Spring: Synchronizing @Transactional and @Async Annotations With Various Propagation Strategies

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 19:32:12

The Spring Framework stands as a comprehensive solution for developing Java applications, offering a plethora of features for streamlined development. Within its suite of functionalities, managing transactions and executing operations asynchronously is particularly crucial. They play significant roles in maintaining the consistency of data and enhancing application scalability and responsiveness, respectively. This article seeks to shed light on the synergistic use of Spring's @Transactional and @Async annotations, providing insights into their collective application to optimize the performance of Java applications.  Understanding Transaction Management in Spring Transaction management is crucial in any enterprise application to ensure data consistency and integrity. In Spring, this is achieved through the @Transactional annotation, which abstracts the underlying transaction management mechanism, making it easier for developers to control transaction boundaries declaratively.

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Top 10 Frontend Frameworks for Web Development

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 18:17:12

In the fast-paced world of web development, staying abreast of the latest front-end frameworks is crucial for creating robust and efficient web applications. Frontend frameworks play a pivotal role in achieving this, offering developers the tools and structure needed to create responsive, interactive, and visually appealing web applications. As we step into 2024, the landscape of front-end development is dynamic and diverse. Developers have an array of tools at their disposal to enhance productivity and build cutting-edge user interfaces. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 front-end frameworks of 2024, each offering unique features and advantages. Top 10 Frontend Frameworks for Web Development 1. ReactJS ReactJS will continue to dominate the front-end development scene in 2024. Developed and maintained by Facebook, React is widely recognized for its component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable UI elements. React's virtual DOM ensures optimal performance, and its one-way data binding simplifies state management. With a vast community and a plethora of libraries, React remains a top choice for building interactive and scalable user interfaces.

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Building for the Metaverse: Essential Tools and Frameworks for Developers

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 18:02:12

The Metaverse is a new concept that is emerging in the digital realm. Once confined to the realms of science fiction and speculative imagination, it is now becoming a tangible reality. Thanks to the ingenuity of developers and the advancement of technology, the Metaverse is defined as a collective virtual shared space. It transcends traditional boundaries and offers limitless possibilities for exploration, interaction, and creativity. As the Metaverse continues to evolve, developers find themselves at the forefront of this digital revolution, tasked with shaping its landscape and defining its potential. Armed with a diverse array of tools and frameworks, developers are pioneering the creation of immersive virtual experiences that blur the lines between reality and imagination.

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Vector Database for LLMs, Generative AI, and Deep Learning

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 17:17:12

Understanding Vector Databases A vector database is a type of database specifically designed to store and manage vector data using arbitrary but related coordinates to related data. Unlike traditional databases that handle scalar data (like numbers, strings, or dates), vector databases are optimized for high-dimensional data points. But first, we have to talk about vector embeddings. Vector embeddings are a method used in natural language processing (NLP) to represent words as vectors in a lower-dimensional space. This technique simplifies complex data for processing by models like Word2Vec, GloVe, or BERT. These real-world embeddings are highly complex, often with hundreds of dimensions, capturing nuanced attributes of words.

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AWS vs. Azure: Which Is Better for Cloud Computing?

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 17:02:12

Cloud computing first came to light during the mid-2000s, with providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft’s Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) taking charge. Over the years, Cloud computing has been gaining popularity and has seen exponential growth and adaptability in the last decade. In fact, the global cloud infrastructure spending reached US$247.1 Billion in 2022 and is expected to grow further by 23% in 2023. Today, there are several service providers in the Cloud computing space with a variety of offerings such as pocket-friendly costs, easy setup options, and state-of-the-art security. As a result, more and more companies are migrating their infrastructure to Cloud platforms to take advantage of various business benefits associated with their adoption.

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MLOps vs. DevOps: The Key Similarities and Differences

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 17:02:12

DevOps has been an integral part of software development for the last 15 years. The ‘shift left’ culture, as it is popularly known, is employed across various organizations as it introduced new technologies, automation, and people systems to help shorten the software development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery of high-quality software. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence in recent years, the structure of how enterprises are delivering and consuming AI has changed drastically with the proliferation of open-source technology. MLOps is the logical reaction to the current difficulties enterprises face putting machine learning into production.

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Decoding Large Language Models and How They Work

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 16:32:12

The evolution of natural language processing with Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GPT-4 marks a significant milestone, with these models demonstrating near-human comprehension in text-based tasks. Moving beyond this, OpenAI's introduction of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) represents a notable shift, enabling these models to process both images and textual data. This article will focus on the core text interpretation techniques of LLMs — tokenization and embedding — and their adaptation in multimodal contexts, signaling an AI future that transcends text to encompass a broader range of sensory inputs. Turning raw text into a format that Large Language Models like GPT-4 can understand involves a series of complex and connected steps. Each of these processes — tokenization, token embeddings, and the use of transformer architecture — plays a critical role in how these models understand and generate human language.

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How To Integrate NCache With JPA Hibernate for Caching in Spring Boot Applications

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 15:32:12

What Is JPA Hibernate? Hibernate is one of the most popular Object Relational Mapper (ORM) libraries for Java and Spring applications. It helps developers connect to and work with relational databases from Java applications without having to write SQL queries. The library implements the JPA (Java Persistence API) specification and provides several additional features that help develop persistence in applications faster and easier. Caching in JPA Hibernate One of the cool features supported by Hibernate is caching. Hibernate supports two levels of caching — L1 and L2. L1 cache is enabled by default and works within an application scope, so it cannot be shared across multiple threads. For example, if you have a scaled microservice application that reads and writes to a table in a relational database setup, this L1 cache is maintained individually within each of these containers where the microservice is running.

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Data Mesh: A Paradigm Shift in Data Management

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 15:02:12

In this article, I’m going to share my thoughts about Data Mesh, the concept I came across a few years back. It was first introduced in 2018 at a conference called "Building Scalable and Reliable Data Products" by Zhamak Dehghani. A concept based on Domain Driven Design from the Book “Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software” by Eric Evans. Data mesh is a new technology that could provide a framework for managing distributed data ecosystems more effectively by treating data as a product and empowering teams to take ownership of their data, while also enabling effective communication to interconnect distributed data residing in different locations. And by effective communication, I meant building a solid linkage between the data domains for proper data availability.  I’m into the Analytics data world, currently, using Data Lake and its predecessor Data Warehouse. These are today’s data platform architectures to support businesses with Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence solutions respectively. Let me first begin with what Analytical Data means, unlike Operational/ Transaction data, Analytics data is an aggregated view of the business data over time, modeled using business rules to provide insights and patterns to make business decisions. However, useful and quality insights and opportunities for businesses can be achieved only by using the data efficiently. The world today is generating a massive amount of data and with the rise of cloud computing, microservices architecture, and other modern technologies, data is becoming more complex to be handled by a single central data team as well as increasingly distributed across different systems and teams creating more silos, which is making it difficult to be managed and integrated as efficiently as possible. This is where Data Mesh is gaining popularity in the data management and data engineering community.

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AI and Microservice Architecture, A Perfect Match?

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 13:32:12

In the realm of modern software development and IT infrastructure, the amalgamation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Microservice Architecture has sparked a revolution, promising a new era of scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. This blog delves into the synergistic relationship between AI and microservices, exploring whether they indeed constitute a perfect match for businesses and developers looking to harness the full potential of both worlds. The Rise of Microservices Microservice architecture, characterized by its design principle of breaking down applications into smaller, independently deployable services, has gained immense popularity for its ability to enhance scalability, facilitate continuous deployment, and improve fault isolation. Unlike monolithic architectures, microservices allow teams to deploy updates for specific functions without affecting the entire system, making it an ideal approach for dynamic and evolving applications.

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‘Top’ Reporting Accurate Metrics Within Containers

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 13:32:12

“Top” is a robust, lightweight command-line tool that provides real-time reports on system-wide resource utilization. It is commonly available in various Linux distributions. However, we have observed that it may not accurately report information when executed within a Docker container. This post aims to bring this issue to your attention. CPU Stress Test in Docker Container Let’s carry out a straightforward experiment. We’ll deploy a container using an Ubuntu image and intentionally increase CPU consumption. Execute the following command:

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Disaster Recovery and High Availability Solutions in SQL Server

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 13:17:12

When managing a database, ensuring data availability and integrity is paramount, especially in the face of hardware failures, software bugs, or natural disasters. SQL Server offers a suite of features designed to provide high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solutions. This article delves into the technical aspects of SQL Server's HA and DR options. These include always-on availability groups, database mirroring, log shipping, and replication. We'll also cover strategies for implementing a disaster recovery plan through a simulation/example. Always-On Availability Groups Always-on availability groups (henceforth referred to as AGs in this article) in SQL Server mark a significant advancement in database technology, enhancing the landscape of high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and read-scale capabilities beyond what was previously achievable with database mirroring. Introduced in SQL Server 2012, AGs offer a sophisticated, scalable solution designed to ensure continuous data availability and system resilience across a range of scenarios.

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Exploring Parallel Processing: SIMD vs. MIMD Architectures

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 12:32:12

In the landscape of computer architecture, two prominent paradigms shape the realm of parallel processing: SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) and MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data) architectures. Understanding the characteristics and applications of these architectures is essential for harnessing the power of parallel computing effectively. SIMD Computers Overview SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) computers represent a class of parallel computing architectures designed to execute a single instruction across multiple data points simultaneously. This approach enables efficient processing of large datasets by applying the same operation to multiple elements concurrently. SIMD architectures are widely used in various domains, including graphics processing, scientific computing, and multimedia applications, where parallelism is crucial for achieving high performance.

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A Deep Dive Into Data Orchestration With Airbyte, Airflow, Dagster, and Prefect

Aggregated on: 2024-02-20 11:47:12

This article delves into the integration of Airbyte with some of the most popular data orchestrators in the industry – Apache Airflow, Dagster, and Prefect. We'll not only guide you through the process of integrating Airbyte with these orchestrators but also provide a comparative insight into how each one can uniquely enhance your data workflows. We also provide links to working code examples for each of these integrations. These resources are designed for quick deployment, allowing you to seamlessly integrate Airbyte with your orchestrator of choice.

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Distributed Task Synchronization: Leveraging ShedLock in Spring

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 20:32:12

In today's distributed computing landscape, coordinating tasks across multiple nodes while ensuring they execute without conflicts or duplication presents significant challenges. Whether managing periodic jobs, batch processes, or critical system tasks, maintaining synchronization and consistency is crucial for seamless operations. The Problem Let's say we need to run some tasks on a schedule, whether it's a database cleanup task or some data generation task. If you approach the problem directly, you can solve this problem using the @Schedules annotation included in Spring Framework. This annotation allows you to run code at fixed intervals or on a cron schedule. But what if the number of instances of our service is more than one? In this case, the task will be executed on every instance of our service.

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Spring Boot 3.2: Replace Your RestTemplate With RestClient

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 19:47:12

In the world of Spring Boot, making HTTP requests to external services is a common task. Traditionally, developers have relied on RestTemplate for this purpose. However, with the evolution of the Spring Framework, a new and more powerful way to handle HTTP requests has emerged: the WebClient. In Spring Boot 3.2, a new addition called RestClient builds upon WebClient, providing a more intuitive and modern approach to consuming RESTful services. Origins of RestTemplate RestTemplate has been a staple in the Spring ecosystem for years. It's a synchronous client for making HTTP requests and processing responses. With RestTemplate, developers could easily interact with RESTful APIs using familiar Java syntax. However, as applications became more asynchronous and non-blocking, the limitations of RestTemplate started to become apparent.

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Building and Integrating REST APIs With AWS RDS Databases: A Node.js Example

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 19:02:12

Building a REST API to communicate with an RDS database is a fundamental task for many developers, enabling applications to interact with a database over the internet. This article guides you through the process of creating a RESTful API that talks to an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instance, complete with examples. We'll use a popular framework and programming language for this demonstration: Node.js and Express, given their widespread use and support for building web services. Prerequisites Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

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Python Function Pipelines: Streamlining Data Processing

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 18:32:12

Function pipelines allow seamless execution of multiple functions in a sequential manner, where the output of one function serves as the input to the next. This approach helps in breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, making code more modular, readable, and maintainable. Function pipelines are commonly used in functional programming paradigms to transform data through a series of operations. They promote a clean and functional style of coding, emphasizing the composition of functions to achieve desired outcomes. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of function pipelines in Python, including how to create and use them effectively. We'll discuss techniques for defining pipelines, composing functions, and applying pipelines to real-world scenarios.

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Recover Distributed Transactions in MySQL

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 18:02:12

Distributed transactions, also known as XA transactions, emerged to address the complexity of coordinating transactions across multiple databases or systems in a distributed environment. Imagine you’re conducting an orchestra where each musician represents a different database or service. Just like ensuring harmony in music requires precise coordination, maintaining transactional integrity across distributed systems demands careful orchestration. This is where a two-phase commit (2PC), a vital aspect of XA transactions, steps in. 2PC acts as the conductor, ensuring that all musicians (or database participants) are ready to commit before the final note is played. Just as every instrument must be in tune before a symphony reaches its crescendo, 2PC ensures that all components of a distributed transaction are in sync before proceeding, thus guaranteeing the integrity of the transaction across the distributed landscape.

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How To Deploy Machine Learning Models Using Amazon SageMaker

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 17:02:12

Machine learning models have become an integral part of modern business applications. The increasing demand for machine learning solutions has led to a significant increase in the number of tools and platforms. These tools and platforms support developers in the training and deploying of machine learning models. Amazon SageMaker has gained popularity among data scientists and developers for its ease of use, scalability, and security. So, what is Amazon SageMaker? The Amazon SageMaker is a managed machine learning platform. It provides data scientists and developers with the essential resources and tools to produce, train, and deploy machine learning models on a massive scale.

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Top 5 Trends for Data Streaming With Kafka and Flink in 2024

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 17:02:12

Data Streaming is one of the most relevant buzzwords in tech to build scalable real-time applications and innovative business models. Do you wonder about my predicted TOP 5 data streaming trends in 2024 to set data in motion? Learn what role Apache Kafka and Apache Flink play. Discover new technology trends and best practices for event-driven architectures, including data sharing, data contracts, serverless stream processing, multi-cloud architectures, and GenAI. Some followers might notice that this became a series with past posts about the top 5 data streaming trends for 2021, the top 5 for 2022, and the top 5 for 2023. Trends change over time, but the huge value of having a scalable real-time infrastructure as the central data hub stays. Data streaming with Apache Kafka is a journey and evolution to set data in motion.

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Fundamentals of Functions and Relations for Software Quality Engineering

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 16:32:12

Understanding the fundamentals of functions and relations is paramount. Grasping these core concepts lays the groundwork for effective software development and testing. We will delve into the basics of functions and relations, exploring their significance in software engineering and their implications for ensuring software quality. We will highlight basic scenarios for testing to kickstart more intricate testing activities. Effective testing is not just about covering every line of code. It's about understanding the underlying relationships. How do we effectively test the complex relationships in our software code? Understanding functions and relations proves an invaluable asset in this endeavor.

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Prompt Engineering Tutorial for AI/ML Engineers

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 16:32:12

The generative AI revolution has made significant progress in the past year, mostly in the release of Large Language Models (LLMs). It is true that generative AI is here to stay and has a great future in the world of software engineering. While models work amazingly well and produce advanced outputs, we can also influence models to produce the outputs we want. It's an art to make language models work to produce results/outputs as expected — and this is where prompt engineering comes into play. Prompts play a vital role in talking with language models. In this article, we’ll take a deeper dive into everything you need to know about prompt engineering.  What Is Prompt Engineering?

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NIST AI Risk Management Framework: Developer’s Handbook

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 16:02:12

The NIST AI RMF (National Institute of Standards and Technology Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework) provides a structured framework for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with artificial intelligence technologies, addressing complex challenges such as algorithmic bias, data privacy, and ethical considerations, thus helping organizations ensure the security, reliability, and ethical use of AI systems.   How Do AI Risks Differ From Traditional Software Risks? AI risks differ from traditional software risks in several key ways:

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Art of Code: Elegant Solutions in Software Development

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 15:47:12

In the vast landscape of software development, where lines of code intertwine to create the digital foundations of our modern world, there exists a subtle yet profound artistry. Beyond the mere functionality lies a realm where elegance, efficiency, and creativity converge to sculpt solutions that not only solve problems but do so with grace and ingenuity. Welcome to the realm where coding transcends mere technicality and transforms into an art form. The Canvas of Creativity At its core, coding is a form of expression. Just as a painter wields brushes and colors to create masterpieces on canvas, a programmer utilizes algorithms and syntax to breathe life into lines of code. However, the artistry of coding extends beyond the act of typing characters into an editor. It manifests in the way problems are approached, solutions are devised, and complexities are elegantly untangled.

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Top Secrets Management Tools for 2024

Aggregated on: 2024-02-19 15:32:12

Managing your secrets well is imperative in software development. It's not just about avoiding hardcoding secrets into your code, your CI/CD configurations, and more. It's about implementing tools and practices that make good secrets management almost second nature.  A Quick Overview of Secrets Management What is a secret? It's any bit of code, text, or binary data that provides access to a resource or data that should have restricted access. Almost every software development process involves secrets: credentials for your developers to access your version control system (VCS) like GitHub, credentials for a microservice to access a database, and credentials for your CI/CD system to push new artifacts to production.

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