News AggregatorNavigating BNPL Integration: Key Steps and Best Practices for DevelopersAggregated on: 2024-08-01 17:22:49 Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) solutions are altering the way in which clients connect to payment systems by offering financial flexibility and enhancing the checkout experience. This guide offers developers and architects comprehensive knowledge on integrating your checkout process with BNPL as well as technical details, best practices, and common challenges. Importance of BNPL for Developers Enhanced Conversion Rates The abandonment of carts is reduced by the use of BNPL solutions that provide flexible payment options; hence, making it possible for users to complete their transactions. Users will not easily abandon their carts due to high upfront costs whenever payments can be broken down into small manageable amounts. View more...Agile-Regulated Industries?Aggregated on: 2024-08-01 15:22:49 Are there agile-regulated industries, or is that an oxymoron? Recently, I received a project alert from an organization looking for a Scrum Master with “at least two years knowledge of information systems for rail and public transport travelers.” View more...How To Fix the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability in Angular 18.1.1vAggregated on: 2024-08-01 13:22:49 The latest release of Angular, which is presently version 18.1.1, offers a wide range of features for developing robust and scalable web applications in Angular. However, safety continues to be of concern. In this article, we will discuss the configurations and see examples of how to mitigate these vulnerabilities in an Angular web application 18.1.1v in detail. 1. Injection Injection flaws (SQL, NoSQL, and OS command injection) occur when untrusted data is send to an interpreter situated among a machine or query. View more...Leveraging Time Series Databases for Cutting-Edge Analytics: Specialized Software for Providing Timely Insights at ScaleAggregated on: 2024-08-01 12:22:49 Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Database Systems: Modernization for Data-Driven Architectures. Time series data has become an essential part of data collection in various fields due to its ability to capture trends, patterns, and anomalies. Through continuous or periodic observation, organizations are able to track how key metrics are changing over time. This simple abstraction powers a broad range of use cases. View more...Merge Multiple PDFs in MuleSoftAggregated on: 2024-07-31 22:08:35 Suppose there is a scenario where you have to merge multiple PDFs into one PDF and send the merged PDF as a response back to the source system or store the merged PDF in a file location. In this article, you will learn how to do this. There is no such connector in MuleSoft that you can use to merge the PDFs. You will have to use the Java library org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf to merge the PDFs. It contains all necessary Java libraries for merging multiple PDFs into one. Implementation Step 1 Add the dependency as shown below in pom.xml: View more...Ensuring Data Integrity Through Anomaly Detection: Essential Tools for Data EngineersAggregated on: 2024-07-31 21:08:35 In the trending landscape of Machine Learning and AI, companies are tirelessly innovating to deliver cutting-edge solutions for their customers. However, amidst this rapid evolution, ensuring a robust data universe characterized by high quality and integrity is indispensable. While much emphasis is often placed on refining AI models, the significance of pristine datasets can sometimes be overshadowed. This article sets out to explore some of the essential tools required by organizations in the domain of data engineering to efficiently improve data quality and triage/analyze data for effective business-centric machine learning analytics, reporting, and anomaly detection. To illustrate these tools/frameworks and their importance, let us consider a scenario within the fintech industry. View more...Interference in A/B TestsAggregated on: 2024-07-31 20:08:35 A/B testing is the gold standard for online experimentation used by most companies to test out their product features. Whereas A/B test experimentation works just fine in most settings, it is particularly susceptible to interference bias, particularly in the case of online marketplaces or social networks. In this article, we aim to look at the situations with interference bias and some potential ways to mitigate its effect on evaluation. SUTVA, the Fundamental Assumption of A/B Testing and Its Violations One of the fundamental assumptions of A/B Testing is SUTVA — Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption. The potential outcome of treatment in the randomization unit depends only on the treatment they receive and not on the treatments assigned to other subjects. View more...SingleStore Kai Support for MongoDB $vectorSearchAggregated on: 2024-07-31 19:08:38 SingleStore is a high-performance distributed SQL database and through SingleStore Kai extends its compatibility to MongoDB's vector search capabilities. By supporting MongoDB's $vectorSearch operator, SingleStore Kai provides efficient querying and indexing of vector data, such as embeddings used in ML and AI applications. Users can benefit from SingleStore's optimized data handling and Kai's vector search capabilities to perform similarity searches across large datasets. In this article, we'll see an example of how to use SingleStore Kai with vector data. The notebook file used in this article is available on GitHub. View more...Software Engineering GriefAggregated on: 2024-07-31 18:08:35 Human beings resist change. This is not personal opinion, it's our defense mechanism against uncertainty. If you narrow your target to software engineers and technologists - who, in almost all cases, are humans - the defense mechanism can become a survival mechanism.Successful companies rarely rest on their laurels and assume the money will flow in unimpeded by change. Instead, companies constantly analyze the current to define their vision for the future: How do economic and market conditions affect our ability to sell? Would new features or product offerings attract new customers while retaining existing customers? Could we more efficiently increase market share through acquisitions rather than internal product development? Are there partner opportunities beneficial to us? How can we expand the industries in which are products are sold? View more...Plot Your REST Endpoints Using grafana-infinity-datasourceAggregated on: 2024-07-31 17:08:35 When it comes to observability Grafana is the go-to tool for visualization. A Grafana dashboard consists of various forms of visualizations which are usually backed by a database. This is not always the case. Sometimes instead of pushing the data from the database as is, you might want to refine the data. This cannot always be achieved through the functionalities the DB provides. For example, you might want to fetch results from a proprietary API. This is where the grafana-infinity-datasource plugin kicks in. With grafana-infinity-datasource, you can create visualizations based on JSON, XML, CSV, etc. You can issue an HTTP request to a REST API and plot the received data. Tutorial Let’s assume we have an eShop application. We will create a simple Python API using FastAPI to manage the items of the eShop and the purchase volume. View more...Two-Tower Model for Fraud Detection: A Comprehensive GuideAggregated on: 2024-07-31 16:53:35 Fraud detection is a very important task in most industries, especially in finance and e-commerce. The classic machine learning models struggle to handle the subtlety and complexity of patterns rooted in fraudulent behavior. The dual-tower or Siamese network model provides a powerful architecture to handle the complex tasks of parallel processing with two different sets of inputs, thus helping capture the intricate relationships between them. This article presents how to apply the two-tower model to fraud detection, with detailed explanations, code snippets, and practical illustrations. What Is a Two-Tower Model? It is an architecture that comprises two independent neural networks: one dealing with one type of input data and the second dealing with another. These two towers may work independently, although their output results are combined to make a single unified prediction. This architecture works very nicely in tasks involving finding relationships or similarities between two diverse sources of data. View more...Self-Compassion in Tech Teams: Building Strength and TeamworkAggregated on: 2024-07-31 16:08:35 Tech teams have a hard job. They deal with tight deadlines and tough problems. This can cause stress and self-criticism. But being kind to yourself can help. Self-compassion makes you feel better. It also helps the team work better together. This guide will explain what self-compassion is. It will also show why it’s good for tech teams and how to use it at work. Self-Compassion for Tech Teams Self-compassion is like being your own supportive friend. When things go wrong or you make mistakes, instead of being hard on yourself, treat yourself kindly. For tech teams, this means understanding hard tasks and handling mistakes gently. It helps you stay calm and focused. Dr. Kristin Neff talks about three parts of self-compassion: View more...Common CSS Breakpoints for Media QueriesAggregated on: 2024-07-31 15:53:35 As technology is growing every day, the diversification in the types of electronic devices is also expanding. In the present time, a wide range of electronic devices exist, including tablets, laptops, desktops, smartphones, and even smartwatches. Tech giants are spending millions of dollars in their research and development to introduce new and improved electronic devices daily in the market. This has resulted in the daily continuous increase in the catalog of electronic devices. View more...Multimodal Search in AI Apps With PostgreSQL pgvectorAggregated on: 2024-07-31 15:08:35 Large language models (LLMs) have significantly evolved beyond generating text responses to text prompts. These models are now trained to possess advanced capabilities like interpreting images and providing detailed descriptions from visual inputs. This gives users an even greater search capacity. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to build an application with multimodal search functionality. Users of this application can upload an image or provide text input that allows them to search a database of Indian recipes. The application is built to work with multiple LLM providers, allowing users to choose between OpenAI, or a model running locally with Ollama. Text embeddings are then stored and queried in PostgreSQL using pgvector. View more...Vulnerability Management in DevOps EnvironmentsAggregated on: 2024-07-31 14:53:35 DevOps has become the groundwork for delivering top-notch applications quickly and efficiently in today’s agile development. Its efficiency and speed can also cause notable security threats if vulnerabilities are not managed properly. Sixty percent of data breaches succeed because organizations fail to apply known, available patches before the weaknesses are exploited. View more...Outlier Identification in Continuous Data Streams With Z-Score and Modified Z-Score in a Moving WindowAggregated on: 2024-07-31 14:08:35 My name is Maksim Kupriianov, and for the past few years, I have been actively involved in network monitoring. This means sending network probes from different locations within an organization’s network, analyzing the responses with regard to packet loss percentage and response times, and identifying places in the network where something has gone wrong. The probes are sent and the results are analyzed continuously, with new data coming in every second. The analytics are conducted on a sliding window of several tens of seconds. During this process, local anomalies often arise. For instance, a server in one of the racks might start showing increased packet loss due to the server's high CPU utilization. On the one hand, this is already a problem that should be highlighted, but on the other hand, it is not caused by any network equipment failure and doesn’t affect network performance in general. A similar situation occurs with the response times: for various reasons, responses could be delayed even by seconds, whereas typically, the round-trip time of the requests does not exceed a few milliseconds. View more...Automatic 1111: Adding Custom APIsAggregated on: 2024-07-31 13:53:35 In our previous article, we thoroughly covered the fundamental aspects of an Automatic 1111. This included the setup process, enabling APIs, and other crucial considerations for optimal API usage. In this article, we will be discussing the Options API in depth and adding our own custom APIs in Automatic 1111 (1.9.3 version). Options API Options API is one of the most commonly used APIs for fetching and updating Automatic 1111 application configurations. View more...Differentiating Rate Limits in Apache APISIXAggregated on: 2024-07-31 13:08:35 In my talk "Evolving your APIs," I mention that an API Gateway is a reverse proxy "on steroids." One key difference between the former and the latter is that the API Gateway is not unfriendly to business logic. The poster child is rate-limiting. Rate-limiting is an age-old reverse proxy feature focused on protecting against DDoS attacks. It treats all clients the same and is purely technical. In this day and age, most API providers offer different subscription tiers; the higher the tier, the higher the rate limit, and the more you pay incidentally. It's not technical anymore and requires to differentiate between clients. View more...Just Use PostgreSQL, a Quick-Start Guide: Exploring Essential and Extended Capabilities of the Most Beloved DatabaseAggregated on: 2024-07-31 12:53:35 Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Database Systems: Modernization for Data-Driven Architectures. PostgreSQL has been in development and use for over 35 years. Throughout those years, the project that started as an open-source relational database for transactional workloads has turned into one of the most reliable and comprehensive database solutions for a variety of use cases. The depth and breadth of PostgreSQL's capabilities have become so rich that you might hear "just use Postgres" if you ask for advice about database options for your next application. View more...How To Generate Flame Graphs in JavaAggregated on: 2024-07-30 23:08:34 Flame graphs became the de facto standard for investigating issues in today's applications (not only written in Java). The flame graphs can provide a lot of interesting insights and can give developers valuable hints to improve the execution of their applications. However, still, a lot of developers don't use them, even if generating flame graphs is easier than ever before. In this article, I will demonstrate a couple of examples of how easy it is in Java to get started with the investigation of your applications. If you don't know the details about flame graph visualization, please, visit a great article about flame graphs from Brendan Gregg. View more...GitOps: ArgoCD vs FluxCDAggregated on: 2024-07-30 22:08:34 Getting Started With GitOps Most organizations are always looking for ways to streamline their processes and improve efficiency by implementing automation. In recent years, software deployment has been done multiple times in a day rather than weeks or months. Organizations have moved from the waterfall models to hyper-agile methodologies and particularly due to the adoption of microservices architecture, teams are releasing their software much faster. To make this possible, GitOps implements a control-loop pattern more often seen in Kubernetes. GitOps offers a more consistent and reliable way to handle infrastructure and deployment. In this blog, we'll explore what GitOps is and why it's becoming increasingly popular among DevOps teams. We will also walk through popular GitOps tools like Argo CD and Flux CD. View more...How To Run Apache Spark on Kubernetes in Less Than 5 MinutesAggregated on: 2024-07-30 21:08:34 Tools like Ilum will go a long way in simplifying the process of installing Apache Spark on Kubernetes. This guide will take you step-by-step through how to run Spark well on your Kubernetes cluster. With Ilum, deploying, managing, and scaling Apache Spark clusters is easily and naturally done. Introduction Today, we will showcase how to get up and running with Apache Spark on K8s. There are many ways to do that, but most are complex and require several configurations. We will use Ilum since that will do all the cluster setup for us. In the next blog post, we will compare the usage with the Spark operator. View more...Implementing Multi-Level Caching in Java With NCacheAggregated on: 2024-07-30 20:23:34 Multi-level caching is a technique used to improve the performance of applications by storing frequently accessed data in different cache layers. The cache layers generally lie at various levels of the application stack. It is a common practice to use a distributed cache like NCache to implement multi-level caching in applications. NCache provides a scalable and high-performance caching solution that can store data in memory across multiple servers. In addition to this, NCache provides a feature to enable local caching in client nodes to offer even faster data access. View more...Real-Time Anomaly Detection Using Large Language ModelsAggregated on: 2024-07-30 19:23:34 The capability to detect anomalies becomes important in the data-driven world of today and is a key component for various industries such as finance, healthcare, cybersecurity, and manufacturing. Anomalies can be a sign of fraud, system failings, security incidents, or other important events that require immediate attention. The volume, velocity, and variety of streaming data are difficult for traditional anomaly detection techniques to handle. On the other hand, recent developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) provide a new path to perform real-time anomaly detection. In this blog post, we discuss how LLMs can be used for anomaly detection on streaming data in detail with some examples. Anomaly Detection Anomalies are patterns in your data that do not conform to a well-defined notion of normal behavior. View more...Apache Iceberg Table ManagementAggregated on: 2024-07-30 18:23:37 1. What Are Iceberg and Table Layout for Iceberg? Apache Iceberg is a high-performance table format for large analytic datasets. It's designed to handle petabyte-scale data lakes with the reliability and efficiency needed for data analytics and big data workflows. Iceberg tables organize data into a consistent format that simplifies querying, updating, and managing data at scale. One of the main advantages of Iceberg table format is schema evolution, which allows updating the table schema without re-writing the data. However, all these advantages come at the cost of maintaining table metadata disjoint from data in metadata files which are updated for each table ops in a transaction while maintaining concurrency. A typical Iceberg table layout has: Manifest files: Store metadata about data files in the table, including their locations, sizes, and statistics. Snapshot files: Represent the state of the table at a given point in time. Each snapshot includes references to manifest files and data files. Data files: Contain the actual data in the table, typically stored in columnar formats like Parquet or ORC. Metadata files: Store global metadata about the table, such as schema, partitioning information, and properties. CRUD operations on table leads to generation of multiple snapshot files, manifest files, data files etc which can consume storage making the table operations inefficient. View more...A Hands-On Guide to OpenTelemetry: Better Tracing With Automatic InstrumentationAggregated on: 2024-07-30 17:23:34 Are you ready to start your journey on the road to collecting telemetry data from your applications? Great observability begins with great instrumentation! In this series, you'll explore how to adopt OpenTelemetry (OTel) and how to instrument an application to collect tracing telemetry. You'll learn how to leverage out-of-the-box automatic instrumentation tools and understand when it's necessary to explore more advanced manual instrumentation for your applications. By the end of this series, you'll have an understanding of how telemetry travels from your applications to the OpenTelemetry Collector, and be ready to bring OpenTelemetry to your future projects. Everything discussed here is supported by a hands-on, self-paced workshop authored by Paige Cruz. View more...Step-By-Step Guide To Creating a Calculator App With HTML and JS (With Factor Calculator Example)Aggregated on: 2024-07-30 16:23:34 Creating a calculator app is a great way to practice and understand the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This guide will walk you through the steps to build a simple yet functional calculator. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully operational calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations. Calculators are essential tools, and building one is an excellent project for learning web development. This guide will cover the following: View more...Enhancing Stream Data Processing With Snow Pipe, Cortex AI, and Snow ParkAggregated on: 2024-07-30 15:38:34 Why Snowflake? Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform that provides a fully managed service for handling data-driven engagements. It is scalable and is enabled on multiple cloud tenants of AWS, Azure, and GCP. Snowflake has a unique architecture that separates the storage, compute, and service layers which enables scalable and elastic data processing. This architecture enables us to use resources of storage, compute, and services independently and pay as per the usage. View more...Pivoting Database Systems Practices to AI: Create Efficient Development and Maintenance Practices With Generative AIAggregated on: 2024-07-30 15:23:34 Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Database Systems: Modernization for Data-Driven Architectures. Modern database practices enhance performance, scalability, and flexibility while ensuring data integrity, consistency, and security. Some key practices include leveraging distributed databases for scalability and reliability, using cloud databases for on-demand scalability and maintenance, and implementing NoSQL databases for handling unstructured data. Additionally, data lakes store vast amounts of raw data for advanced analytics, and in-memory databases speed up data retrieval by storing data in main memory. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming database development and maintenance by automating complex tasks, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring system robustness. View more...How Kubernetes Changed the Networking Model and What Developers Should Know about eBPF and CiliumAggregated on: 2024-07-30 14:38:34 Enterprise networking is a radically different discipline in today’s microservices, containers, and Kubernetes paradigm than what it used to be in the old three-tier architecture world. Containers broke traditional networking models, and in this networking rethink for the distributed computing era, a lot has happened in a very short period of time. In this exclusive interview, Nicolas Vibert — senior technical engineer at Isovalent — traces this evolution and explains how open-source projects like eBPF and Cilium are continuing to drive advanced networking use cases for the modern cloud era. Q: How Did Kubernetes Change the Networking Model? What’s Fundamentally Different About Networking in K8s/Cloud-Native Environments From Prior Enterprise Architectures? A: In many ways, Kubernetes networking is similar to our traditional networking. Regardless of the underlying computing platform, you need your network to support the needs of your business and the applications they rely upon. The requirements are the same whether you are running apps on bare metal servers, virtual machines, or on Kubernetes: you need to connect applications, you need to make them accessible to end users, you need to secure access to them, and adhere to regulatory requirements, etc… View more...Why Do We Need to Keep Our Builds Green?Aggregated on: 2024-07-30 14:23:34 The Trivial Answer Most engineers know that we must have green builds because a red build indicates some kind of issue. Either a test did not pass, or some kind of tool found a vulnerability, or we managed to push our code when it couldn’t even compile. Either way, it is bad. You might have noticed that this article is far from over, so there must be more to this. You are right! What Does Green Mean Exactly? We have already discussed that red means something wrong, but can we say that green is the opposite? Does it guarantee that everything is working great, meets the requirements, and is ready to deploy? As usual, it depends. View more...Monitoring and Troubleshooting Serverless ApplicationsAggregated on: 2024-07-30 13:38:34 Gone are the days when developers handled app development, server logs, infrastructures, and other resources single-handedly. With the introduction of serverless computing, businesses can build and deploy applications much faster. Serverless architectures offload routine tasks from developers and let them focus on app building. They offer scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions that eliminate the need to manage servers. This blog dives deep into serverless app monitoring and the tools that can help you monitor and troubleshoot effectively. View more...The Future of AI: Exploring Generative Systems and Large Language ModelsAggregated on: 2024-07-30 13:23:34 We have seen the epic growth of artificial intelligence from a field of study to a transformative power. This growth has greatly changed how various industries work, significantly impacting our daily lives. One of the most exciting developments in AI is generative systems and large language models. Generative systems and large language models are capable of creating content and solving difficult problems in industries in a way that redefines the way we interact with these technologies. Generative systems and large language models are powered by complex algorithms and vast amounts of data which enhance the capabilities of machines. View more...Using SingleStore for Iceberg Catalog StorageAggregated on: 2024-07-29 23:08:34 SingleStore recently announced bi-directional support for Apache Iceberg. Iceberg uses catalogs that are an integral part of the Iceberg table format, designed to manage large-scale tabular data in a more efficient and reliable way. Catalogs store metadata and track the location of tables, enabling data discovery, access, and management. Iceberg supports multiple catalog backends, including Hive Metastore, AWS Glue, and Hadoop, and through a database system using JDBC. This allows users to choose the most suitable backend for their specific data infrastructure. In this short article, we'll implement an Iceberg catalog using SingleStore and JDBC. The notebook file used in this article is available on GitHub. View more...How To Achieve High GC ThroughputAggregated on: 2024-07-29 22:08:34 In this post, let’s explore a key performance metric studied during garbage collection analysis: "GC throughput." We’ll understand what it means, its significance in Java applications, and how it impacts overall performance. Additionally, we’ll delve into actionable strategies to improve GC throughput, unlocking its benefits for modern software development. What Is Garbage Collection Throughput? Whenever an automatic garbage collection event runs, it pauses the application to identify unreferenced objects from memory and evict them. During that pause period, no customer transactions will be processed. Garbage collection throughput indicates what percentage of the application’s time is spent in processing customer transactions and what percentage of time is spent in the garbage collection activities. For example, if someone says his application’s GC throughput is 98%, it means his application spends 98% of its time processing customer transactions and the remaining 2% of the time processing Garbage Collection activities. View more...Calm Down, Cloud's Not THAT Different!Aggregated on: 2024-07-29 21:23:34 I was at a tech conference recently – one built by (and for) networking professionals – chatting with another attendee about the usual mix of news, tech challenges, and hobbies when the conversation took a sudden and sobering turn: “I guess I have a lot more time for side quests these days. I got laid off a couple of months back and can’t seem to land even a solid conversation, let alone a job offer. I thought it would be easier than this.” View more...AIGenOps: Generative AI and Platform EngineeringAggregated on: 2024-07-29 20:23:34 A While Ago... We have been collaborating with a client in finance for some time now, and in a moment of relaxation, we started discussing generative artificial intelligence. And so, caught up in the excitement, as in a positive retroactive system, we began to sketch out the idea of how to integrate it and implement it in the real-world scenario in which we found ourselves. Merging the LLM/AI skills and knowledge of a DevOps engineer with the vision of a platform engineer, we began to define the requirements, constraints, and loads of a real scenario in the area of regulated software and then define possible processes and solutions. View more...Guarding Privacy: Cutting-Edge Technologies for Data ProtectionAggregated on: 2024-07-29 19:23:34 Data has become a valuable commodity in today’s digital era. It innovatively drives businesses to make informed decisions and personalized experiences for their customers, optimize operational efficiency, and accurately predict market trends. However, data’s immense value comes with an equally significant risk: the possibility of data breaches and malicious attacks. As we live in an era where large amounts of sensitive information are stored and transferred via digital means, their protection becomes extremely important. The stakes considering data breaches are high, as a single data breach can lead to: View more...K3s vs. Talos LinuxAggregated on: 2024-07-29 18:23:34 In the world of Kubernetes choosing the right technology can make a big difference in how smoothly and efficiently our applications run. This is where focused Kubernetes distributions like K3s and Talos Linux stand out. From large data centers to smaller devices on the edge, Kubernetes plays an important role in managing applications across various environments. As multiple businesses are using Kubernetes at the edge to run AI nowadays, specialized versions like K3s and Talos have come to tackle various operational challenges. View more...Don’t Get Hacked! Essential Cybersecurity Tips You Need To KnowAggregated on: 2024-07-29 17:23:34 Technology in the digital age has revolutionized our lives. However, this convenience comes with a growing threat: cybercrime. Malicious actors, ranging from petty thieves to sophisticated cybercriminals, operate online, seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive information, financial data, and even identities. From online banking and shopping to social media and remote work, the internet has become an essential part of our daily routines. What does it mean when your online identity is turned against you? Or when you need to prove your own identity to regain control of tools you previously assumed were solely there to make your life easier? View more...Automating Databases for Modern DevOps Practices: A Guide to Common Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Database Automation TechniquesAggregated on: 2024-07-29 16:53:33 Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Database Systems: Modernization for Data-Driven Architectures. As companies increasingly depend on data for decision making, operational improvements, and enhanced customer experiences, the manual management of large and complex databases becomes a daunting task, as shown in Figure 1. Database automation offers a solution by simplifying operations, reducing errors, and enhancing efficiency. Automation can handle tasks such as provisioning, scaling, and backups, allowing IT teams to focus on other initiatives. Some common techniques include scripting and scheduling, configuration management tools, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), automated testing, and more. View more...Application-Level Tracing: The Good, the Bad, and the AlternativeAggregated on: 2024-07-29 16:23:33 The Sailormen's Legacy: A "Trace" of the Past By the late 16th century, sailors were measuring speed with a chip log — a method crucial for navigation. Knots were tied at regular intervals in a rope, with one end attached to a pie-slice-shaped piece of wood ("chip") and flung behind the vessel. The rope played freely as the ship traveled for a fixed amount of time, which was measured using an hourglass. The number of knots that passed over the stern was counted to determine the ship's speed, with one knot equaling one nautical mile an hour. Thus, a ship going at 15 knots could traverse 15 nautical miles in an hour. Records of these measurements were kept in a logbook, which was used to calculate the ship's speed over a given period. This logbook was also used to record the ship's course, weather conditions, and other relevant information. The term "log" was derived from this practice, and it has since been used in various contexts to refer to a record of events or activities. In software engineering, the principle of logging has been refined and expanded to include “traces." In software development, tracing represents a dynamic method of observing, debugging, and recording activities within an application, providing a more detailed, sometimes interactive, insight than traditional logging. View more...Implementing and Deploying a Real-Time AI-Powered Chatbot With Serverless ArchitectureAggregated on: 2024-07-29 15:38:33 In this article, we'll walk through the process of creating and deploying a real-time AI-powered chatbot using serverless architecture. We'll cover the entire workflow from setting up the backend with serverless functions to building a responsive frontend chat interface. This approach not only streamlines development but also ensures scalability and cost-efficiency. Overview of the Project We'll be building a simple chatbot that interacts with users in real time. Our chatbot will leverage a pre-trained AI model to generate responses and will be deployed using serverless computing to handle the backend logic. For this tutorial, we'll use AWS Lambda for the serverless backend and a basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript interface for the front end. View more...Creating a Cohesive User Experience Using HSL Colors in CSSAggregated on: 2024-07-29 15:23:33 We all know what importance colors hold in anything, whether it’s a website layout, image, video, or any other graphical element. In essence, color is a subjective experience that results from the interaction between light, the eye, and the brain. Adding colors to the website gives a new life to the whole layout and graphical elements. Nobody likes to visit web pages with white, black, and gray colors on them. Colors make the elements look more realistic and catchy to the human eye. Not just theoretically, psychology also comes into play when we use colors on websites. It has been scientifically proven that a specific set of colors triggers particular emotions in the human brain, such as autumn colors like orange and yellow representing joy or happiness, red color to festive seasons, and blue viewed as calm and trustworthy. Besides, you must have noticed that many food companies often use red and yellow on their websites, pharmaceutical companies tend to use green on their sites, fitness companies sometimes use orange, and so on. View more...Gaming VelocityAggregated on: 2024-07-29 14:38:33 Imagine your team’s line manager insists that a successful team improves velocity regularly. How could you, as a team, satisfy this strange, unsuitable demand without working more? How can you make gaming velocity a reality? I run this exercise with my students of entry-level Scrum Master and Product Owner classes to help them reflect on the tricky nature of measuring success, metrics, and, of course, Goodhart’s Law: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” View more...Enhancing Query Performance With AI and Vector Search in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQLAggregated on: 2024-07-29 14:23:33 In today's data-driven world, conventional search approaches frequently struggle with intricate queries and delivering pertinent results. The advent of AI-powered vector search presents a game-changing query efficiency and precision advancement. Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL emerges as a robust platform that embraces AI-driven vector search, empowering users to elevate their query capabilities significantly. In this blog, you will learn: View more...Why OOP Is a Bad Fit for Custom SoftwareAggregated on: 2024-07-29 13:38:33 Ever notice that custom OOP projects tend towards a flaming pile of spaghetti crap? Have you ever seen anti-patterns like the following: View more...How To Write End-To-End Tests Using Cypress App ActionsAggregated on: 2024-07-29 13:23:33 When I started writing tests with Cypress, I was always going to use the user interface to interact and change the application's state when running tests. This could be beneficial since it gives you the same behavior as an end-user interacting with the application. But this is only sometimes the case. Sometimes, you only need to manipulate the state in your application without using the UI. You might have already tested it in a different test case and only need the state to test the next feature. In this case, using the UI to interact with the application could be redundant and time-consuming. View more...Real-Time Streaming Architectures: A Technical Deep Dive Into Kafka, Flink, and PinotAggregated on: 2024-07-28 15:08:33 Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Database Systems: Modernization for Data-Driven Architectures. Real-time streaming architectures are designed to ingest, process, and analyze data as it arrives continuously, enabling near real-time decision making and insights. They need to have low latency, handle high-throughput data volumes, and be fault tolerant in the event of failures. Some of the challenges in this area include: View more...DB2 vs. Oracle for IBM Maximo: A Comparative AnalysisAggregated on: 2024-07-28 15:08:33 IBM Maximo, an enterprise asset management solution, supports various database platforms, among which IBM DB2 and Oracle are prominent choices. Each database system has its strengths and capabilities, influencing system performance, scalability, and maintenance. This essay explores the differences between DB2 and Oracle in the context of their integration with IBM Maximo, focusing on aspects such as performance, scalability, ease of management, cost, and specific features that benefit Maximo environments. Database Performance DB2 DB2 is known for its high performance in data handling and retrieval efficiency, particularly in environments that are heavily integrated with other IBM software solutions. DB2 uses self-tuning memory allocation which adjusts the database buffer size dynamically based on the workload, thereby optimizing performance without manual intervention. View more... |