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MongoDB and PostgreSQL Support for NestJS Boilerplate

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 17:16:59

We created the NestJS boilerplate in August 2020, and since then, we have worked on its optimization and improvements. NestJS boilerplate is a project that contains all necessary libraries and solutions like auth, mailing, etc., for fast-starting your project using a classic REST API approach. Right now, this boilerplate has 1.8K stars on GitHub and has recognition and support from the developer community. Recently, we also published our new frontend boilerplate on React, which is excellently compatible with the backend implementation, so please check it out. Motivation To Include Mongo Support PostgreSQL support was originally included in the boilerplate because of its reliability, data integrity, and active community. But for projects that require high speed of working with large data sets and high scalability, MongoDB is usually a better choice. So, we wanted to integrate MongoDB support into our project. Also, we’ve got a number of requests to include NoSQL DB support from the community members and coworkers who use this boilerplate.

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Spring Application Listeners

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 17:16:59

I've recently faced a problem when disabling application listeners created using org.springframework.context.event.EventListener annotation for org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent event in unit tests. I found several decisions and decided to share them. Quick Guide To Spring Application Listeners First of all, here are some words about key objects that Spring uses when handling application events.

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Community Hardware Used in Cloud Computing

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 16:47:02

While cloud computing frequently focuses on software solutions, the hardware that supports these cloud environments is as important. Community-driven hardware initiatives have played an important role in creating the cloud computing ecosystem. In this detailed post, we will look at the numerous community hardware components utilized in cloud computing and how they help the progress of the business. Understanding Cloud Hardware Before we enter into the area of community hardware in cloud computing, let’s first take a close look at the hardware parts of cloud computing and their relevance.

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Regular Expressions 101

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 16:31:59

With regular expressions, you can describe the patterns that are similar to each other. For example, you have multiple <img> tags, and you want to move all these images to the images folder: HTML   → → and so on" data-lang="text/html"> <img src="https://dzone.com9.png"> → <img src="https://dzone.comimages/9.png"> <img src="https://dzone.com10.png"> → <img src="https://dzone.comimages/10.png"> and so on

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Artificial Intelligence in IT and Project Management

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 16:31:59

This article aims to shed light on the pivotal role of IT programs and project managers in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration. It focuses on the challenges, opportunities, and strategic approaches necessary for successful AI adoption in technology programs and projects. By examining case studies from leading companies and identifying key trends, the article provides a roadmap for managers to navigate this transformative landscape. Introduction While the buzz around AI's capabilities continues to grow, there's a critical conversation missing in many tech circles: the profound impact AI will have on IT program and project management. This article uncovers the challenges and transformative changes AI brings to technology programs and projects, underscoring the indispensable role of program and project managers in this new era.

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Optimizing Data Management: Migrating From AWS RDS MySQL to Snowflake

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 16:16:59

If you're seeking a modern, innovative, and scalable approach to managing your data operations, then the amalgamation of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Relational Database Service (RDS) for MySQL and Snowflake just might be the solution you've been searching for. AWS RDS for MySQL provides a robust platform for managing, scaling, and operating relational databases in the cloud. On the other hand, Snowflake, a cloud-based data warehousing platform, provides a flexible and efficient environment for data storage, processing, and analysis. Together, they can streamline your data operations in unprecedented ways. This article takes you on a journey from understanding AWS RDS for MySQL and Snowflake to implementing a seamless migration from MySQL to Snowflake. Overview: MySQL vs. Snowflake  The MySQL vs. Snowflake debate is a popular one in the realm of data operations. MySQL, an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS), is renowned for its speed, reliability, and ease of use. However, it's not without its limitations, particularly when it comes to handling large volumes of data. Snowflake, a relatively new player in the field, offers a cloud-native data warehousing solution that overcomes MySQL's limitations. With its unique architecture, Snowflake allows for massive scalability, secure data sharing, and cost-effective storage, making it an attractive alternative for many businesses. Despite these differences, it's not about picking one over the other. It's about integrating the strengths of both. This is where the concept of migrating from MySQL to Snowflake comes into play. By transferring your data from MySQL to Snowflake, you can leverage the benefits of both platforms, thereby enhancing your data operations. 

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What To Expect For AI in 2024

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 15:46:59

Twenty-twenty-three was a great year for AI. Large language models were already in the spotlight for both users and businesses. ChatGPT had been just released in late 2022 and was taking the world by storm. Still, 2023 has brought more rapid change in the field than we could have imagined. This last year, we got the newest version of OpenAI’s model, GPT-4. We also got a ton of open-source models competing with OpenAI, like LLaMa, Falcon, and Mistral. Google didn’t want to miss the party and stepped up its game, unveiling Gemini, the successor to Google’s earlier model, PaLM. Anthropic launched Claude, AI21 Labs launched Jurassic-2, and Amazon announced its Generative AI service, Bedrock, as well as its own LLM, Titan. Some LLMs gained a ton of new functionality by going multimodal, as well as embracing agents, which allow them to have up-to-date information and interact with the world around them. Also, regulators are beginning to catch up to the rapid evolution of this new technology. The United States of America passed an Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, and the European Union approved the EU AI Act, the first actual regulation on artificial intelligence.

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API-First Design: A Modern Approach To Building Scalable and Flexible Software

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 15:46:59

In the rapidly evolving world of software development, the adoption of the API-first design principle marks a significant shift in how applications are built and scaled. This methodology involves prioritizing the design and development of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) at the outset, setting the stage for a more structured and efficient development process. This blog post delves into the concept of API-first design, outlining its benefits and practical applications and supplemented with illustrative examples.  What Is API-First Design? API-first design is an approach where you prioritize the creation of APIs before the actual software development begins. It involves defining the way components interact with each other through well-designed interfaces.

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Data Vault Data Model: An Efficient and Agile Approach for Data Warehousing

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 15:31:59

In the dynamically evolving field of data warehousing, traditional approaches often face challenges when it comes to flexibility, scalability, and adaptability. The data vault data model offers a unique and robust solution to these challenges, making it an increasingly popular choice among organizations. The data vault data model is a design pattern that provides a structured and scalable foundation for building data warehouses. It is specifically designed to handle large volumes of data, offer agility in modeling changes, and ensure data integrity.

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Exploring Mobile Device Lab: Pros and Cons

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 15:31:59

In today’s digital landscape, people worldwide prefer accessing the internet on the go, using their smartphones. This is not surprising since mobiles are highly convenient for accessing websites and conducting online transactions, be it making payments, shopping from e-commerce sites, or buying flight tickets. As per Statista, in the first quarter of 2023, mobile devices generated nearly 58.33 percent of global website traffic.  With mobiles becoming the most preferred device for accessing websites, users expect only top quality when it comes to the user experience. Hence, app developers are under pressure to ensure that their applications run smoothly across all types of mobile devices. However, guaranteeing that their applications function consistently across the countless devices and operating systems out there can be challenging and depends on the quality of the test infrastructure you leverage. This is where the importance of a high-quality mobile testing device lab comes into play. 

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Mitigating Bias in AI Through Continuous Monitoring and Validation

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 15:16:59

The emergence of bias in artificial intelligence (AI) presents a significant challenge in the realm of algorithmic decision-making. AI models often mirror the data on which they are trained. It can unintentionally include existing societal biases, leading to unfair outcomes. To overcome this issue, continuous monitoring and validation emerge as critical processes which are essential for ensuring that AI models function ethically and impartially over time. Understanding Bias in AI Bias in AI is dynamic and evolving with societal shifts, trends, and application domains. This dynamic nature of bias needs an approach that continuously assesses and adjusts for it.

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Search for Rail Defects (Part 3)

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 14:46:59

To ensure the safety of rail traffic, non-destructive testing of rails is regularly carried out using various approaches and methods. One of the main approaches to determining the operational condition of railway rails is ultrasonic non-destructive testing. The assessment of the test results depends on the defectoscopist. The need to reduce the workload on humans and improve the efficiency of the process of analyzing ultrasonic testing data makes the task of creating an automated system relevant. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the possibility of creating an effective system for recognizing rail defects from ultrasonic inspection defectograms using ML methods. Domain Analysis The railway track consists of rail sections connected together by bolts and welded joints. When a defectoscope device equipped with generating piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) passes along the railway track, ultrasonic pulses are emitted into the rail at a predetermined frequency. The receiving PZTs then register the reflected waves. The detectability of defects by the ultrasonic method is based on the principle of reflection of waves from inhomogeneities in the metal since cracks, including other inhomogeneities, differ in their acoustic resistance from the rest of the metal.

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Java Z Garbage Collector (ZGC): Revolutionizing Memory Management

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 13:16:59

Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) is an innovative garbage collection algorithm introduced by Oracle in JDK 11. Its principal aim is to minimize application pause times on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), making it particularly suitable for modern applications that necessitate low latency and high-throughput performance. ZGC adopts a generational approach to garbage collection, segmenting the heap into two generations: the Young Generation and the Old Generation (also referred to as the Mature Generation). The Young Generation is further divided into the Eden space and two survivor spaces. The Old Generation is where long-lived objects are eventually relocated.

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Architecture Style: Modulith (vs. Microservices)

Aggregated on: 2024-01-29 12:31:59

Modulith architecture is a style of software design that emphasizes modularity within a monolithic application. It aims to combine the simplicity and straightforward deployment model of a monolithic architecture with the modularity and maintainability typically associated with microservices. In a modulith, the application is structured as a collection of loosely coupled modules, each encapsulating a specific business capability or domain. These modules interact with each other through well-defined interfaces, yet they are deployed as a single unit, similar to a traditional monolithic application.

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Simplifying Access: The Role of Single Sign-On (SSO) in Cloud Computing

Aggregated on: 2024-01-28 19:31:59

Cloud computing has transformed how businesses access and manage their data and apps. With the growing complexity of cloud-based ecosystems, faster access and increased security are critical. Single Sign-On (SSO) becomes a game changer in this situation. We will look at the importance of SSO in cloud computing, its advantages, important components, implementation, obstacles, and the future of secure access management in this post. Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Single Sign-On (SSO) Key Components of SSO SSO in Cloud Computing Benefits of Implementing SSO in the Cloud Implementation of SSO in Cloud Environments Challenges and Considerations The Future of SSO in Cloud Computing Conclusion Introduction As more businesses use cloud computing, managing user access and authentication across several cloud services becomes more difficult. SSO is an authentication method that allows users to safely access numerous apps and services using a single set of credentials. This essay digs into SSO’s critical position in cloud computing, investigating its components, advantages, implementation, and the growing environment of secure access management.

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Simplifying Data Management From Desktop to Datacenter With Graid Technology

Aggregated on: 2024-01-28 19:31:59

As data volumes continue to explode across enterprises, effectively managing that data is becoming increasingly challenging for IT organizations. Developers, engineers, and architects striving to deliver innovative solutions often find themselves spending inordinate amounts of time on tedious data management tasks - time that could be better spent focusing on core development initiatives.  Graid Technology offers a compelling solution that can liberate IT teams from many of these burdensome data management responsibilities. During the 53rd IT Press Tour, Tom Paquette, SVP and GM Americas & EMEA at Graid Technology walked us through the company’s technology for simplifying data management spanning desktops, data centers, and hybrid cloud environments.

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Apache and Nginx Multi-Tenancy to Support SaaS Applications

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 22:16:59

In cloud computing, multi-tenancy — in this case, Apache Multi-Tenant and Nginx Multi-Tenant — is a mode of operation of software where multiple independent instances of one or various applications operate in a shared environment. The software instances are logically isolated but physically integrated. Even if the software instances use the same underlying resources, cloud customers are unaware of each other, and their data is kept separate and secure. 

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Mastering Kubernetes Networking: Essential Concepts Explained

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 21:31:58

In the ever-evolving world of cloud computing and containerization, Kubernetes has emerged as the frontrunner in orchestrating containerized applications. As a Chief Architect with over two decades in the industry, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact Kubernetes has on application deployment and management. This article aims to demystify the complex world of Kubernetes networking, a critical component for the seamless operation of containerized applications. Understanding Kubernetes Networking Kubernetes networking can be complex, but it's essential for ensuring that containers can communicate efficiently both internally and externally. The networking model in Kubernetes is designed to be flat, which means that containers can communicate with each other without the need for NAT (Network Address Translation).

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TPM Chips and the Use of TPM in Virtualization Technology

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 21:16:58

The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is an important component in modern computing since it provides hardware-based security and enables a variety of security features. TPM chips have grown in relevance in both physical and virtual contexts, where they play a critical role in data security and preserving the integrity of computer systems. TPM chips, their functionality, and how they are used in virtualization technology will be discussed in this article. Introduction In today’s computer ecosystem, trusted computing is critical. It is critical to secure system and data security and integrity. TPM chips are a critical component in attaining this aim, and they have far-reaching consequences for virtualization technology.

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Navigating the Challenges of Rapidly Scaling Your Engineering Team

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 16:46:58

In this article, we are going to look at the challenges faced when rapidly scaling engineering teams in startup companies as well as other kinds of companies with a focus on product development. These challenges change between different types of companies, sizes, and stages of maturity. For instance, the growth of a consultancy software company focused on outsourcing is so different from a startup focused on product development. I've faced much team growth and also seen the growth of teams in several companies, and most of them have faced the same challenges and problems.

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Demystifying Event Storming: Design Level, Identifying Aggregates (Part 3)

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 13:46:58

In the first two parts of our series “Demystifying Event Storming,” we embarked on a journey through the world of Event Storming, an innovative approach to understanding complex business domains and software systems. We started by exploring the fundamentals of Event Storming, understanding its collaborative nature and how it differs from traditional approaches. In Part 2, we delved deeper into process modeling, looking at how Event Storming helps in mapping out complex business processes and interactions. Now, in Part 3, we will focus on the design-level aspect of Event Storming. This stage is crucial for delving into the technical aspects of system architecture and design. Here, we’ll explore how to identify aggregates – a key component in domain-driven design – and how they contribute to creating robust and scalable systems. This part aims to provide practical insights into refining system design and ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with business needs and objectives.

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Securing the Digital Frontier

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 08:16:58

In an era where digitalization permeates every facet of our lives, the interplay between technology, society, and regulations becomes increasingly critical. As we navigate through a world brimming with data, understanding the evolving landscape of data protection is not just a necessity but a responsibility. Technological advancements push the boundaries of innovation, societal shifts redefine our expectations of privacy, and regulatory changes attempt to balance the scales between advancement and ethics. This intricate dance among technology, societal norms, and regulatory frameworks shapes our approach to data protection, privacy, and security.  The Interplay Between Technology, Society and Regulations Each category influences the others in various ways, creating feedback loops. The influence is often cyclical - as technology advances, society adapts, and regulations evolve in response, which then circles back to influence further technological development.

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API Security: Best Practices and Patterns To Securing APIs

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 00:16:58

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the linchpins of modern software architecture, acting as the conduits through which different software systems communicate and exchange data between users and internal systems. APIs define the methods and data formats that applications use to talk to each other, enabling the interoperability that is vital for creating the rich, seamless experiences users have come to expect. They allow for the extension of functionality in a modular way, where services can be updated, replaced, or expanded without affecting the overall system. In a digital ecosystem increasingly reliant on integration, APIs facilitate the connectivity between services, cloud applications, and data sources, thereby accelerating innovation and efficiency in software development. What Is API Security? API security is an essential component of modern web services and applications, focused on protecting the integrity of APIs, including any intermediaries involved. Security involves implementing measures to safeguard the exchange of data, ensuring that APIs are accessible only to authorized users, and that data transfer is both secure and reliable. Effective API security encompasses methods to authenticate and authorize users, validate, and sanitize input data, encrypt sensitive information, and maintain comprehensive logs for ongoing monitoring and auditing. Review all best practices for managing API access tokens.

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How To Implement Supply Chain Security in Your Organization

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 00:16:58

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation, the integrity of software supply chains has become a pivotal cornerstone for organizational security. As businesses increasingly rely on a complex web of developers, third-party vendors, and cloud-based services to build and maintain their software infrastructure, the risk of malicious intrusions and the potential for compromise multiply accordingly. Software supply chain security, therefore, is not just about protecting code — it's about safeguarding the lifeblood of a modern enterprise. This article seeks to unravel the complexities of supply chain security, presenting a clear and detailed exposition of its significance and vulnerabilities. It aims to arm readers with a robust checklist of security measures, ensuring that industry leaders can fortify their defenses against the insidious threats that lie in wait within the shadows of their software supply chain ecosystems. What Is Supply Chain Security? Supply chain security in the context of software refers to the efforts and measures taken to protect the integrity, reliability, and continuity of the software supply chain from design to delivery. It encompasses the strategies and controls implemented to safeguard every aspect of the software development and deployment process. This includes securing the code from unauthorized changes, protecting the development and operational environments from infiltration, ensuring the authenticity of third-party components, and maintaining the security of software during its transit through the supply chain.

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Source Code Management and Branching Strategies for CI/CD

Aggregated on: 2024-01-27 00:16:58

In the realm of modern software development, the adoption of Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) practices is paramount for fostering a streamlined and efficient release process. At the heart of this practice lies source code management and the strategic use of branching methodologies, which serve as the scaffolding for collaboration, rapid iteration, and the high-velocity deployment of features and fixes. Effective branching strategies are crucial, as they dictate how changes are merged, how conflicts are resolved, and ultimately, how software is delivered to the end-user. This article delves into the core principles of source code management within the CI/CD pipeline, exploring the best practices for branching strategies that harmonize the development workflow and ensure that integration and delivery are as seamless as possible. What Is Source Code Management? Source Code Management (SCM), at its core, is a discipline within software engineering that focuses on tracking and controlling changes in the software. This practice involves managing and documenting the evolving versions of source code to prevent chaos and promote clarity. SCM provides a historical record of code development, allowing developers to pinpoint who made changes, what changes were made, and when these changes occurred. This is especially critical in collaborative environments where multiple developers may be working on different features or fixes simultaneously.

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The State of Data Streaming With Apache Kafka and Flink in the Gaming Industry

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 20:46:58

This blog post explores the state of data streaming for the gaming industry in 2023. The evolution of casual and online games, Esports, social platforms, gambling, and new business models require a reliable global data infrastructure, real-time end-to-end observability, fast time-to-market for new features, and integration with pioneering technologies like AI/machine learning, virtual reality, and cryptocurrencies. Data streaming allows integrating and correlating data in real-time at any scale to improve most business processes in the gaming sector much more cost-efficiently. I look at game industry trends to explore how data streaming helps as a business enabler, including customer stories from Kakao Games, Mobile Premier League (MLP), Demonware / Blizzard, and more. A complete slide deck and on-demand video recording are included.

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A Framework for Maintaining Code Security With AI Coding Assistants

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 20:31:57

Over the past few years, AI has steadily worked its way into almost every part of the global economy. Email programs use it to correct grammar and spelling on the fly and suggest entire sentences to round out each message. Digital assistants use it to provide a human-like conversational interface for users. You encounter it when you reach out to any business's contact center. You can even have your phone use AI to wait on hold for you when you exhaust the automated support options and need a live agent instead. It's no wonder, then, that AI is also already present in the average software developer's toolkit. Today, there are countless AI coding assistants available that promise to lighten developers' loads. According to their creators, the tools should help software developers and teams work faster and produce more predictable product outcomes. However, they do something less desirable, too—introduce security flaws.

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Mastering Data Integration: Enhancing Business Efficiency

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 18:16:57

With more data comes greater responsibility for managing it optimally. After all, it's the heartbeat of any surviving business. A data integration strategy involves collecting, managing, and consuming it for analytical success. That being said, it's not only about piecing the data sets together. Rather, it’s the official roadmap of disparate sources communicating with each other to produce valuable insights.  The right data integration strategy is essential for locking consistency, accuracy, and reliability, enabling futuristic decision-making. Without the same, enterprises fall prey to inaccurate data that can have critical implications for the business. 

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Consistent Change Data Capture Across Multiple Tables

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 17:31:57

Change data capture (CDC) is a widely adopted pattern to move data across systems. While the basic principle works well on small single-table use cases, things get complicated when we need to take into account consistency when information spans multiple tables. In cases like this, creating multiple 1-1 CDC flows is not enough to guarantee a consistent view of the data in the database because each table is tracked separately. Aligning data with transaction boundaries becomes a hard and error-prone problem to solve once the data leaves the database. This tutorial shows how to use PostgreSQL logical decoding, the outbox pattern, and Debezium to propagate a consistent view of a dataset spanning over multiple tables.

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Keeping Your Fonts in Embedded SVG

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 17:16:57

Last year, I started to use Excalidraw as a diagram tool. However, the SVG images didn't display the font correctly. In this post, I'd like to explain the problem and offer a solution. Let's create a sample drawing with Excalidraw. If you open the link, it should look something like this:

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MuleSoft Integrate With ServiceNow

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 17:16:57

This article explains how to define a robust API that serves the E2E feature of a ServiceNow incident management lifecycle using the MuleSoft ServiceNow connector. Here, the basic CRUD operations are covered; we can extend it with additional features like uploading/downloading incident files, getting the incident assigned group/people, keeping track of each incident, etc. 

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Enhancing Operational Efficiency of Legacy Batch Systems: An All-Encompassing Manual

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 16:46:57

In the ever-changing realm of modern business practices, ensuring the successful execution of batch jobs is vital for activities like data processing, system upkeep, and the general workflow of the organization. However, unforeseen disruptions, system malfunctions, or errors can hinder these batch processes, creating operational hurdles and jeopardizing data integrity. A groundbreaking approach, as outlined in innovation – Patent US1036596B1, has been introduced to address this challenge.   Understanding Batch Systems and Challenges Batch jobs involve sequences of operations executed without direct user involvement. Traditionally, data pipelines have been established to ensure synchronization between online transaction processing (OLTP) and backend systems, such as Mainframes. In this configuration, one system generates a file, and the other processes it, maintaining synchronization between OLTP and backend systems. However, this setup is prone to failures due to factors like files getting stuck in the transfer process, delayed file arrivals, or data format errors resulting from manual input. Recovering from these failures manually can be a time-consuming process, resulting in downtime and the potential for data inconsistencies.

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Building a Real-Time Ad Server With Dragonfly

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 16:31:57

Ad-serving systems frequently need to accommodate millions, or even billions, of requests daily, constructing and delivering personalized ads within just a few milliseconds. Beyond handling the substantial daily volume of requests, these platforms must be capable of managing spiky traffic with sudden surges in user activity as well. In this blog post, we will construct a real-time ad cache server utilizing the cutting-edge technologies of Bun, ElysiaJS, and Dragonfly. Not just for the enjoyment of exploring new tools, but also to leverage their exceptional developer experience and performance capabilities. Let's take a brief look at the technologies we will be using in this post:

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AnyLang: A Lightweight, Multi-Script Solution

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 16:16:57

Though we recommend going through the previous article by the authors to understand the motivation behind this one, let us brief it here. Business rules and managing them are crucial in enterprise applications. A business rule may be perceived as an action taken by a decision and mostly are IF-ELSE branches that describe how the business must function. While a number of free and solutions, such as JRule, IBM Drools, Blaze (FICO), Oracle Rules SDK etc. already exist with highly sophisticated features, often their licensing and maintenance become a lingering burden, moreover when the product is underutilized. Nowadays, thanks to the growing popularity of microservices, development teams are often small, and a member might wear multiple hats. Writing and maintaining rules and rule engines, therefore, may be carried out by different members and teams.  Business Rule Engines come with their respective learning curve, and it’s difficult to always have a person with the right skill set in the team solely for managing a BRMS. To mitigate this gap, we need the flexibility to use different programming languages, at least the common ones. This article illustrates how a low–cost, lightweight solution helps here with the flexibility to create rules in a programming language of one’s choice (currently, support for Java, JavsScript, and Pyhton is available). It also helps abstract the storage of rules, which can be literally anywhere — from local file systems to cloud storage, databases, CMS, etc. 

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How Platform Engineering Helps in Developer Productivity

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 15:46:57

Are you tired of your development team spending countless hours on repetitive tasks instead of focusing on innovation? Are you looking for a solution that can boost their productivity while reducing business costs? Look no further than platform engineering! In this blog post, we will explore how platform engineering revolutionizes the way developers work, enabling them to unleash their full potential and create amazing products. Join us as we witness increased efficiency, reduced downtime, and a significant drop in operational expenses through platform engineering for both developers and businesses alike. Introduction to Platform Engineering Platform engineering is not a new concept in terms of what developers have been building for end-consumers or teams creating products for developers, such as Postman and GitHub. However, in recent years, this term has become more associated with teams building platforms for internal use, bridging gaps within organizations.

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Simplifying Data Management With Hammerspace

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 15:46:57

Data management complexity continues to grow as organizations adopt hybrid cloud strategies, manage greater data volumes, and implement emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. This places significant burdens on developers, engineers, and architects who get bogged down with tedious, manual data management tasks.  Hammerspace aims to alleviate these challenges with its innovative data management platform. During the 53rd IT Press Tour, I spoke with David Flynn, Founder and CEO of Hammerspace, to understand how the platform simplifies data management for technical professionals. Here are the key takeaways that developers, engineers, and architects should know.

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Client-Side Challenges in Developing Mobile Applications for Large User Bases

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 15:46:57

The landscape of mobile app development for applications with massive user bases, such as social media apps, e-commerce platforms, and streaming services, is fraught with client-side challenges. These challenges range from ensuring smooth performance and intuitive user interfaces to managing data efficiently on the client side. Addressing these issues is essential for the success of these applications, as they directly impact user satisfaction and retention. Key Challenges and Solutions Performance Optimization For applications that boast a substantial user base, high performance is an absolute necessity. Problems such as sluggish response times and sudden app crashes can significantly contribute to a decline in user satisfaction and potentially lead to a decrease in user retention. Potential solutions to mitigate this challenge are:

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Seven Blockers From Being Senior Software Engineer

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 13:46:57

In the previous article (Rethinking of Software Engineer Levels), I introduced a more accurate grade scale (more transparent, experience-based, and relevant for a particular company). This one partially covers transitions from random solutions to simple ones, from tasks to streams of activities. I will cover what seven habits you might have in your work that stop you from being a real senior software engineer (SWE) or "Simple-Way Complex Problem Solver" and what does not allow you to break the glass roof. 1. CV-Driven Design Have you ever seen people who try to apply new and fancy technologies to real products without any relevant experience? That might not bring any real value, creating another technology stack inside one company to maintain and dilute the quality of implementation. This habit is dangerous because you get used to checking technologies in an environment where it is extremely hard to replace something and must be maintained long-term.

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How To Back Up and Restore Azure SQL Databases

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 12:16:57

Microsoft's Azure provides many services via a single cloud, which lets them offer one solution for multiple corporate infrastructures. Development teams often use Azure because they value the opportunity to run SQL databases in the cloud and complete simple operations via the Azure portal. But you'll need to have a way to back up your data, as it's crucial to ensuring the functionality of the production site and the stability of everyday workflows. So, creating Azure SQL backups can help you and your team avoid data loss emergencies and have the shortest possible downtime while maintaining control over the infrastructure.

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Designing a Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Messaging System for Distributed Applications

Aggregated on: 2024-01-26 12:16:57

Building a strong messaging system is critical in the world of distributed systems for seamless communication between multiple components. A messaging system serves as a backbone, allowing information transmission between different services or modules in a distributed architecture. However, maintaining scalability and fault tolerance in this system is a difficult but necessary task. A distributed application’s complicated tapestry strongly relies on its messaging system's durability and reliability. The cornerstone is a well-designed and painstakingly built messaging system, which allows for smooth communication and data exchange across diverse components. Following an examination of the key design concepts and considerations in developing a scalable and fault-tolerant messaging system, it is clear that the conclusion of these principles has a substantial influence on the success and efficiency of the distributed architecture.

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Understanding Network Address Translation (NAT) in Networking: A Comprehensive Guide

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 20:31:57

Network Address Translation (NAT) is critical in allowing communication between devices in the contemporary networking world. NAT is a crucial technology that allows several devices on a network to share a single public IP address, efficiently regulating network traffic distribution. This page looks into NAT, explaining its mechanics, kinds, advantages, and significance in building our linked digital world. Network Address Translation (NAT) is a fundamental networking technique that provides several benefits such as improved resource utilization, greater security, easier network management, and compliance with regulatory standards. Its capacity to save public IP addresses, provide security through obscurity, and enable flexible network architecture highlights its importance in the linked digital ecosystem.

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Data Life With Algorithms

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 20:31:57

Data is the lifeblood of the digital age. Algorithms collect, store, process, and analyze it to create new insights and value. The data life cycle is the process by which data is created, used, and disposed of. It typically includes the following stages:

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Mastering Event-Driven Autoscaling in Kubernetes Environments Using KEDA

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 19:46:57

In today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape, the ability to efficiently manage resources in cloud-native environments is crucial. Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard for orchestrating containerized applications. However, as we delve deeper into the realms of cloud computing, the need for more advanced and dynamic scaling solutions becomes evident. This is where Kubernetes-based Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) plays a pivotal role. What Is KEDA? KEDA is an open-source project that extends Kubernetes capabilities to provide event-driven autoscaling. Unlike traditional horizontal pod auto scalers that scale based on CPU or memory usage, KEDA reacts to events from various sources like Kafka, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, AWS SQS, etc. This makes it an ideal tool for applications that need to scale based on the volume of messages or events they process.

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Safeguarding Privacy: A Developer's Guide to Detecting and Redacting PII With AI-Based Solutions

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 19:46:57

PII and Its Importance in Data Privacy In today's digital world, protecting personal information is of primary importance. As more organizations allow their employees to interact with AI interfaces for faster productivity gains, there is a growing risk of privacy breaches and misuse of personally identifiable information like names, addresses, social security numbers, email addresses, and more.  Unauthorized exposure or misuse of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) can have severe consequences, such as identity theft, financial fraud, and massive damage to a company's reputation. Developers must, therefore, implement effective measures to detect and redact PII from their databases to comply with data protection regulations and ensure privacy.

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GitOps for Seamless Software Deployment

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 19:31:57

In the ever-evolving landscape of software deployment, GitOps has emerged as a game-changer, streamlining the journey from code to cloud. This article will explore GitOps using ArgoCD, a prominent GitOps operator, focusing on two repositories: the application repository gitops-apps-hello and the source of truth repository gitops-k8s-apps. We'll delve into setting up a workflow that integrates these repositories with ArgoCD for seamless deployment. Fork these repos and replace the references in the below article to experiment on your own. Understanding GitOps With ArgoCD GitOps is more than just a buzzword; it's a paradigm that leverages Git as the single source of truth for infrastructure and application configurations. Integrating GitOps with ArgoCD enhances the deployment process offering a robust solution for managing Kubernetes clusters.

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Creating an Effective Enterprise Testing Strategy: Best Practices and Considerations

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 19:31:57

In today’s competitive landscape, enterprises are constantly striving for greater efficiency and agility. Achieving such improvements often requires modernizing applications and adopting innovative technologies. These applications not only facilitate seamless operations but also forge connections between businesses, customers, and vendors, and ensure employee collaboration and alignment. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of enterprise software testing, unveiling its key aspects and equipping you with the knowledge to navigate its complex landscape. What Is Enterprise Testing and Why Is It Important? Enterprise testing refers to the process of ensuring the quality, performance, and security of software systems and applications in large-scale organizations. It goes beyond basic testing and focuses on ensuring that applications are thoroughly tested to maintain optimal performance, security, and user experience.

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Monitoring Dynamic Linker Hijacking With eBPF

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 18:46:57

Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is a programming technology designed for the Linux operating system (OS) kernel space, enabling developers to create efficient, secure, and non-intrusive programs. Unlike its predecessor, the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), eBPF allows the execution of sandboxed programs in privileged contexts, such as the OS kernel, without the need to modify kernel source code or disrupt overall program execution. This technology expands the features of existing software at runtime, facilitating tasks like packet filtering, high-performance analyses, and the implementation of firewalls and debugging protocols in both on-site data centers and cloud-native environments. While Dynamic Linker Hijacking is frequently utilized by malware to establish persistence on a system, eBPF can effectively monitor attempts of Dynamic Linker Hijacking, with a specific emphasis on modifications to the /etc/ file. We'll showcase the usage of eBPF to intercept relevant syscalls and explain how preloaded libraries are typically used by malware to inject arbitrary code into the execution flow of trusted programs.

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Securing the Digital Frontline: Advanced Cybersecurity Strategies for Modern Web Development

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 18:46:57

Websites and web applications are more than just digital interfaces; they are gateways through which sensitive data, personal information, and critical business operations flow. As such, ensuring their security is paramount. The landscape of cybersecurity is not static; it's a constantly evolving battleground where new threats emerge as swiftly as the technologies designed to thwart them. The evolution of cyber threats has been marked by increasing sophistication and complexity. Gone are the days when simple firewalls and basic security protocols were sufficient. Modern web developers must not only be adept at creating functional and aesthetically pleasing websites but also be vigilant guardians of security. They face challenges ranging from SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) to more advanced threats like ransomware attacks and sophisticated phishing schemes.

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Platform Engineering: Building Cloud-Agnostic Solutions With Kubernetes

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 18:16:57

Welcome to the exciting world of platform engineering, where innovation and adaptability reign supreme! In this ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to optimize their operations and stay ahead of the curve. One key aspect of achieving this is building cloud-agnostic solutions that offer unparalleled flexibility in choosing cloud providers. Enter Kubernetes, a revolutionary open-source container orchestration platform that has taken the tech industry by storm. With its robust capabilities and seamless integration with multiple cloud platforms, Kubernetes empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their applications while effortlessly traversing different cloud environments. In this article, we'll dive into the concept of cloud-agnostic platforms and explore how Kubernetes can be your secret weapon in achieving true infrastructure independence. So fasten your seatbelts as we embark on an exhilarating journey through the realm of platform engineering with Kubernetes at our side!

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Make Your Backstage Templates Resilient

Aggregated on: 2024-01-25 17:31:57

I suppose that you are a user of Backstage and have your own templates that automate some repetitive and/or complicated flows of your organization. Some of your templates take a long time to be executed. For example, you provision your infrastructure, and your template guards the process along the way. Now, you are happy that you provided your engineers with these templates to lessen their burden, but you have to be careful with redeploying Backstage because you might fail ongoing tasks and make your engineers angry. Here, I’ll explain what actions you can follow from release v1.23.0-next.0 to make your templates resilient to redeployment or any accidental server failures.

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